$53.00 – $58.00
Babies Blocks, a Ruth Hall Pattern, H69, 27″ x 42″. Can be very creative pattern with use of colors from our texture wools and hand crafted dyed wools. Fun to use velvet, metallics, burly spun yarns and your stash!
Some beautiful wool to check out are Jacob’s Amethyst, Twinkle, Imari Jade, Cream of Wheat, Frosty and more! Mix Textured wool with Dyed wool for a complete look. Please click the link to view all our in-stock textures. https://wcushing.com/product-category/textured-wool/
Sizes are approximate. We are happy to help you select wool for this pattern, please give us a call at 207-360-0792.
** Our first example hooked by Delaine Miller Please Note–the other photo from the notebooks and archives of Joan Moshimer. There are no names of who hooked the rug. Also, another hooked by Carol Butcher…so many ways to hook this piece!! And another by Wendy Waltman