“Dyer’s Delight” Day
The PRIMITIVE Starter Dye Kit, W. Cushing & Co “Perfection” Acid Dye PRIMITIVE Starter Kit with 24 acid dye envelopes and general dye instructions in a neat, snap shut container!
“Primitive” Acid Dye Starter Kit
Includes 24 “Perfection” Acid Dyes
Black Khaki
Blue Mahogany
Bright Purple Medium Brown
Bronze Mummy Brown
Bronze Green Old gold
Buttercup Yellow Olive Green
Chartreuse Plum
Dark Brown Seal Brown
Dark Green Silver Gray
Egyptian Red Terra Cotta
Gold Turkey Red
Golden Brown Wood Rose
PLUS: Instructions on how to use W. Cushing “Perfection” Acid Dyes
For many years Cushing’s Perfection Dye was a “union” type dye, designed to be suitable for a variety of plant, animal and synthetic fibers. In response to the changing availability of raw materials and to increase the effectiveness and ease of use of our dyes, we reformulated them into two types, acid and direct.
Acid dyes are suitable for wool, mohair, and nylon. Direct dyes are the better choice for cottons and cellulose materials, plus linen and rayon. Silk dyes best with one type or the other, depending on the particular characteristics of the silk.
**Kit Container may be different then shown
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