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2008 September/October Rug Hooking Magazine Back Issue


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Dos and Don’ts of Digital Photography by Anne Marie Littenberg

Personal Expression: Designing a Pattern That is Uniquely Your Own by Liala Ralph

The Color Planning Secret by Jane Halliwell Green

From Gravestone to Rug by Wendy Miller

Hooking with Hosiery by Betty Laine

Ask the Expert: Get That Edge Flat! by Sharon Faith EcElroy

Pattern Insert: Mr. Iggy by Maria Barton

Beyond Our Borders: Scrapbook Cover by Anita White

Readers’ Gallery: Suzanne Dirmaier by Anne-Marie Littenberg

Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: 1 Padula, 2 Padula, 3 Padula, Fun! by Laura Pierce

Colors to Dye For: Seeing Red by Wanda Kerr

Canadian Connection: A Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone: Patti Armstrong by Jeanne Field

First Rug: Yellow Cake by Ann Solomon

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